• Providing services since 2006
  • Team of experts in Electrostatic Discharge Design and Control domains
  • 2 PhD in Design Immunity from Electrostatic Discharge
  • 2 Industry leaders working in the Electrostatic Discharge Control
  • First iNARTE Certified ESD Engineer providing services in India and South East Asia since 2009
  • Only ESDA Program Manager Certified in India
  • Trusted by leading multinational and Indian brands & leading PSU’s in India
  • Trained more than 4000+ participants
  • Audited more than 110+ facilities
  • Product qualification verification for 40+ clients
  • Contributed to development of multiple standards in this domain
  • Only organization to be completely equipped and trained to perform various measurements in this domain
  • High quality and easy to use documentation
  • Is a fully owned subsidiary of WEAMG Electronic Solutions

ESD summary of key service offerings

ESD summary of key service offerings

ESD India: Pan-India Office Locations

ESD India: Pan-India Office Locations